Whether you are looking for advice about college, tutorial support, or getting involved in your local community, My EdPrep is here to support you and your passions. We tailor our services to meet your personal goals and aspirations
A combination of 30 years of experience in education, counseling, non-profit, and community leadership, MyEdPrep has developed an innovative approach to developing students into mature young adults that are ready to handle the rigors and responsibility of college life and beyond.
MyEdPrep’s goal is to be the leader in the educational consulting industry, and to set the standard of innovative, personalized, and exceptional counseling.
My EdPrep’s objective is maximize our student’s potential, and not settle for mediocrity in the process.
What People Say About Us
I have seen a positive change in my child and not just in their approach to academics, but as a person. Working with the counselors at My EdPrep has taught him a newfound level of maturity.
Christina AParent
What People Say About Us
My EdPrep showed me ways in finding solutions to everyday problems. They taught me how to be more proactive in my approach to my daily life.
Nic E Student
What People Say About Us
There is so much more about college than just getting in. My EdPrep taught me the importance of being self-reliant as I approach the next phase of my life.